Bible Teaching

We believe that every word in the bible is breathed and God inspired. Hebrews 4:12

Developing Disciples

We believe in raising up leaders that would have the vision of carrying out the message of the Gospel and living out the will of God in their lives. Matthew 28:19

Servant Leadership

We believe in serving others and leading others to serve. Mark 10:45


We serve an excellent God and believe we should serve him with

excellence and do the best to our ability.Philippians 4:8


We believe in every aspect of integrity and functioning as a church in truth

and honor. Psalm 25:21


We believe in doing everything with our whole hearts. Colossians 3:23


We believe in keeping each other on the right path through close relationships, building up and encouraging one another in the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 5:12

Biblical Worship

We believe in worshipping God with our whole hearts. John 4:23

Biblical Community

We believe in a family-oriented community. Acts 2:42


We believe Strongly in getting out the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Mark 16:5

Team Work

We believe that great teamwork makes the dream work. Ephesians 4:16